Scarce Copper butterfly Valle des fossals
Map butterfly
Butterflies & Moths
Here is a list of butterflies and moths, their French, English then Latin names, spotted in and around Straw Angel Mill, Paillanges, Viverols and the Parc Livradois Forez, by ecologist Tristan Hatton-Ellis in August 2013. Many thanks to him for his generosity in sharing his knowledge and findings for the benefit of other wildlife enthusiasts yet to come!
'You have loads of brilliant butterflies around the place, including purple emperor (though sadly none landed) and Camberwell beauty. Also plenty of map butterflies and more silver-washed fritillaries than I have ever seen in my life (literally) I saw a short toed eagle over the house, and we were enchanted to see a whole family of kestrels (6 of them, presumably mum, dad and 4 fledged young) near Col Croix de Fossals.'
NB The following are in the general Paillanges / Viverols area. Those not seen at the Mill during Tristan's stay are asterisked.
Le Grand Port-Queue |
Swallowtail |
Papilio machaon |
La Piéride du Choux |
Large White |
Pieris brassicae |
La Piéride de la Rave |
Small White |
Pieris rapae |
La Piéride du Navet |
Green-veined White |
Pieris napi |
Le Citron |
Brimstone |
Gonepteryx rhamni |
Le Souci |
Clouded Yellow |
Colias crocea |
Le Tabac d’Espagne |
Silver-washed Fritillary |
Argynnis paphia |
Le Nacré de le Ronce |
Marbled Fritillary |
Brenthis daphne |
Le Petit Collier Argenté |
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary |
Boloria selene |
Le Petit Nacré |
Queen of Spain Fritillary |
Issoria lathonia |
Le Paon du Jour |
Peacock |
Aglais io |
La Petite Tortue |
Small Tortoiseshell |
Aglais urticae |
La Carte Géographique |
Map |
Araschnia levana |
Le Robert le Diable |
Comma |
Polygonia c-album |
Le Morio |
Camberwell Beauty |
Nymphalis antiopa |
La Belle-Dame |
Painted Lady |
Vanessa cardui |
Le Vulcain |
Red Admiral |
Vanessa atalanta |
Le Petit Sylvain |
White Admiral |
Limenitis camilla |
Le Grand Mars Changeant |
Purple Emperor |
Apatura iris |
Le Myrtil |
Meadow Brown |
Maniola jurtina |
La Mégère / Le Satyre |
Wall Brown* |
Lasiommata megera |
Le Demi-Deuil |
Marbled White |
Melanagia galathea |
Le Sylvandre |
Great Banded Grayling* |
Hipparchia fagi |
L’Hesperie de la houque / du dactyle |
Small / Essex Skipper |
Thymelicus sylvestris / lineola |
Le Cuivré Commun |
Small Copper* |
Lycaena phlaeas |
Le Cuivré Fuligineux |
Sooty Copper |
Lycaena tityrus |
Le Moro-Sphinx |
Hummingbird Hawkmoth |
Macroglossum stellatarum |
L’Ecaille Cramoisie |
Ruby Tiger |
Phragmatobia fuliginosa |
La Lithosie Quadrille |
Four-spotted Footman |
Lithosia quadra |
Additional Species seen higher up above St Antheme / Job
L’Argus Satiné |
Lycaena virgaureae |
L’Azuré des Nerpruns |
Holly Blue |
Celastrina argiolus |
Virgule, Comma |
Silver-spotted Skipper |
Hesperia comma |
Le Grand Nacré |
Dark Green Fritillary |
Argynnis aglaja |
Le Chiffre |
Niobe Fritillary |
Argynnis niobe |
Le Nacré de la Sanguisorbe |
Lesser Marbled Fritillary |
Brenthis ino |
La Mélitée du Mélampyre |
Heath Fritillary |
Mellicta athalia |
L’Ariane |
Large Wall Brown |
Lasiommata maera |
Le Moiré Fascié |
Arran Brown |
Erebia ligea |
Le Moiré Fontinale |
Water Ringlet (requires confirmation) |
Erebia pronoe |
Species seen elsewhere in the Park Livradois Forez
L’Argus Bleu |
Common Blue |
Polyommatus icarus |
L’Argus Brun |
Brown Argus |
Aricia agestis |
L’Amaryllis |
Gatekeeper |
Pyronia tithonus |
Le Tircis |
Speckled Wood |
Pararge aegeria |
L’Ecaille Chineé |
Jersey Tiger Moth |
Euplagaria quadripunctaria |